English Language School

“Unlock Your Child’s Potential: Join Our Fun and Engaging Online Spoken English Course for Kids Today!”

Ensuring that your child possesses strong English communication skills has become increasingly essential in today’s globalized world. Our Spoken English curriculum offers a range of benefits that can aid in achieving this goal:

  1. Attaining fluency in spoken English, which can be a valuable asset for future career prospects.
  2. Avoiding common pronunciation errors that can hinder effective communication.
  3. Developing the ability to correct common grammatical mistakes, which can enhance language proficiency.
  4. Improving your child’s articulation skills, enabling them to construct complex sentences with ease and fluency.

Join Our Free English Courses

Mondeschools believe that good questions drive good answers. Whether it’s a query
about the world around us or a challenge.

Primary English (7–10 years)

  • For 3rd and 4th graders,
  • Thursdays:
  • 17:00 (Germany),
  • 19:00 (Turkiye).

Secondary English (11–13 years)

  • For 5th and 6th graders,
  • Saturdays:
  • 10:00 (Germany),
  • 12:00 (Turkiye).

Children Learn Through English Important Skills for Their Future

Global Communication

English is a global language spoken by millions around the world. By learning English, children can communicate with peers across different countries, access a broader range of information, and participate in international events.

Academic Advantage

English is the language of instruction for many educational institutions worldwide. Proficiency in English allows children to access a wide range of educational resources, including books, research papers, and educational videos, giving them a competitive edge in academics.

Career Opportunities

Knowledge of English is often a prerequisite for many jobs. Children who learn English open the door to a wider range of career opportunities in various fields such as business, science, technology, and diplomacy.

Cultural Exposure

English serves as a bridge to numerous cultures. Learning English enables children to experience and appreciate literature, music, movies, and traditions from different English-speaking countries, enriching their cultural understanding and empathy.

Join Our Sessions

Mondeschools believe that good questions drive good answers. Whether it’s a query
about the world around us or a challenge.

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Certificate of Achievement

Upon the successful completion of our specialized coding and English courses designed for children, each student will be honored with a distinctive certificate of achievement. This certificate is not just a piece of paper, but a symbol of their unwavering dedication and commitment to the pursuit of knowledge.

Language & Logic Laurels

Upon the successful completion of our specialized coding and English courses designed for children, each student will be honored with a distinctive certificate of achievement. This certificate is not just a piece of paper, but a symbol of their unwavering dedication and commitment to the pursuit of knowledge.

Empowering Future Success

The significance of this certificate extends beyond mere acknowledgement. It stands as a beacon of the hard work and determination each child has invested in their learning journey. Holding this certificate, our students can proudly demonstrate the skills and knowledge they have acquired, showcasing their readiness for future academic challenges and professional opportunities.


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